
About The California Collaborative

Founded in 2011, the California Collaborative for Long Term Services and Supports advocates for the dignity, health and independence of Californians regardless of age who experience disabilities, functional limitations or chronic conditions and who use long-term services and supports.

The Collaborative works to:

  • Foster understanding among members about the importance of all of the components of the LTSS system,
  • Educate policymakers about the needs of seniors and people with disabilities
  • Develop policy solutions and recommendations for improvements
  • Support members in their advocacy on behalf of the programs and services that are the backbone of California’s system of care

Check out these two podcasts on who we are and what we stand for:

What is the California Collaborative?

The California Collaborative’s Mission & Values

Read more about us, including a list of organizations participating in this effort.

The California Collaborative is a project of Homebridge, Inc.